Doctoral Studies

Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences lead, after a successful completion of a dissertation,  to the title Doctor rerum oeconomicarum, Dr. rer. Oec.

The following information applies to studies according to the study plan for the doctoral level at the Department of Business Administration dated May 23, 2024 (as of August 1, 2024).

Admission is regulated in the Doctoral Studies Regulations of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

A key requirement for admission to the doctoral program in Business Administration is supervision by a faculty’s designated professor. Admission may be denied if the topic is not expected to lead to a research output, if there are reasonable doubts about the successful completion of the dissertation project, or if the topic does not correspond with the research focus of the supervising professor.

A necessary requirement for admission is a Master's degree (or equivalent degree) from a recognized university with a minimum grade of 5.0. Knowledge and skills in the doctoral subject that were not acquired in the Master's program may be required as additional requirements (max. 60 ECTS credits).

Graduates with a Master's degree in Business Administration from a university of applied sciences cannot directly start a doctoral program in Business Administration at the University of Bern. In addition to the admission requirements mentioned above, they must first obtain a university Master's degree. For further information, please contact the Academic Student Advice.

Doctoral agreement

The doctoral phase typically lasts three to four years. In the first semester of the doctoral phase, doctoral students and supervisors conclude an agreement on the process, objectives, framework conditions and educational achievements. The doctoral agreement is updated annually.

Educational achievements

Doctoral candidates are required to complete at least 24 ECTS credits of doctoral achievements as part of their doctoral studies. Prior consultation with the primary supervisor determines which faculty, interfaculty, and external courses, lectures, or research seminars can be credited. The specific doctoral achievements are outlined individually in the doctoral agreement. Grading of these credits is not mandatory. Evaluation of the credited work is generally carried out by the organizational units responsible for the respective courses, lectures, or research seminars.

For inquiries regarding the crediting of doctoral work at the University of Bern, please contact:
For inquiries regarding the crediting of externally completed doctoral work, please contact:


The dissertation consists of an independent research contribution (monograph or compilation of at least three scholarly articles) in an area that is represented in the faculty through research or teaching. It may have an interdisciplinary character.


The dissertation is defended in the form of a public lecture. The defense consists of a presentation lasting a maximum of 30 minutes and a discussion lasting a maximum of 30 minutes.

The doctoral phase is successfully completed when the required coursework, the dissertation, and the defense are passed, and any additional conditions are fulfilled. The doctoral phase leads to the title of Doctor of Business Administration (Dr. rer. oec.) from the University of Bern.

Each semester, four dates are offered for the awarding of the doctoral degree. The application for the doctorate must be received by the Dean's Office at least 21 days prior to the date in question. The application form must be accompanied by two printed copies of the dissertation as well as the receipt for the doctoral fees paid (CHF 300.00), a copy of the student’s valid matriculation card and a complete transcript of records. In addition, the dissertation must be sent by email to the Dean's Office (in PDF format). Further information on how to register to receive the doctoral degree and the exact dates can be found on the faculty’s homepage.

Mobility and internationalization funding (in German)

Young researchers in Bern are strongly networked worldwide. International cooperation takes various forms in research and teaching: From sporadic contacts to formalized collaboration within the framework of cooperation and exchange agreements and in the operation of joint competence centers.