Registration and accreditation of internships

The internship is an integral part of the major study program in Business Administration at Bachelor’s level (cf. BWL-Studienplan 2007, Bachelorstufe, Art. 12).

Students minoring in Business Administration cannot complete an internship as part of their study program.



Procedure from registration to completion of the internship:              

You must register your internship with the Departmental Staff Office before it actually starts. In order to do so, please fill out this form: Internship registration and approval (PDF, 15KB).

NB: Internships cannot be accredited if the internship was not registered in time!

You must enclose the following:

  • Your current transcript of records (we recommend successfully completing your introductory year prior to starting the internship)
  • A brief description of the activity to be undertaken (job ad/job description and/or a brief description signed by the employer)
  • employment contract

In order to credit the internship to your studies in Business Administration, the internship must meet the following requirements:

  • The activity must be clearly related to the field of Business Administration.
  • The internship must last a minimum of 12 weeks full-time (100%). For every reduction in working hours of 10%, 2.4 weeks must be added to the overall duration of the internship. The minimum degree of employment is 50%, with the duration of the internship being extended accordingly (24 weeks).
  • The mandatory internship has to be completed as one single part. Splitting the internship into several different cases of employment will not be accepted.

The Departmental Staff Office checks the information and documents that have been submitted. If all the conditions are met, the student will receive written approval and can complete the internship.

After completing the internship, students must send an internship report (2 – 3 pages) to the Departmental Staff Office. The report must comprise the following:

  • Name and address of the employer/business
  • Duration of the internship
  • Level of employment
  • Description of the activities performed
  • (Hand-signed) confirmation from the employer
  • The report must be written in continuous text (not using bullet points or keywords)

Please use the following template for the report: Internship report template (DOC, 39KB)

If all the requirements are met, the ECTS credits earned will be listed under the “internship” heading in the transcript of records.