Proseminar registration and allocation

Attending a proseminar is a mandatory part of the Bachelor's major program. It is recommended to attend the proseminar in the 4th or 5th semester, after completing the business courses in the introductory year as well as parts of the main study program. In the proseminar, you will learn how to write an academic paper, which serves as an optimal preparation for writing the Bachelor's thesis.

Proseminars in Business Administration
Proseminar Section fall spring
Proseminar in Finance Financial Management
Proseminar Consumer Behavior  Consumer Behavior
Proseminar Marketing: Markenmanagement Marketing
Proseminar Marketing: Kundenbeziehungsmanagement Marketing
Proseminar Management & Entrepreneurship Corporate Governance
Proseminar Organisation Organization
Proseminar Personal Human Resources
Proseminar in Financial Accounting Financial Accounting
Proseminar in Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting
Proseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik IE Information Engineering
Proseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik IM Information Management
Proseminar Anwendungen Quantitativer Methoden der BWL Quantitative Methods

Detailed information on the individual proseminars can be found on CTS (KSL).

Allocation for the fall semester 2024

The final proseminar allocations in the fall 2024 can be accessed here.

Please also refer to the information in the email you received.

Students who drop a proseminar midway through will receive a grade of 1.