
All information without warranty, for further information please consult the CTS (KSL).

Study plans


The following courses are compulsory in the Bachelor's Major in Business Administration:

Fall semester
Root number Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
5276 Bilanzierung* 4.5 Prof. Dr. A. H. Kunz IUC-FA GE
25391 Kostenrechnung* 3 Prof. Dr. M. C. Arnold IUC-MA GE
25435 Management von Geschäftsprozessen 4.5 Prof. Dr. O. J. Krancher IWI-IM GE
101985 Grundlagen des Markenmanagements 4.5 Dr. B. Nyffenegger, Dr. L. Malär IMU-M GE
24 Personal und Organisation 6 Prof. Dr. A. Hack, Prof. Dr. F. von Bieberstein IOP GE
5349 Valuation 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Valta IFM-FM GE
Spring semester
Root number Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
29 Logistik 4.5 Prof. Dr. Th. Myrach IWI-IM GE
5347 Quantitative Methoden der BWL 6 Prof. Dr. N. Trautmann IFM-QM GE
5348 Strategische Unternehmensführung 4.5 Prof. Dr. A. Baldauf IMU-U GE
5276 Bilanzierung* 4.5 Prof. Dr. A. H. Kunz IUC-FA GE
25391 Kostenrechnung* 3 Prof. Dr. M. C. Arnold IUC-MA EN

*The courses "Bilanzierung" and "Kostenrechnung" take place in the fall and the spring semesters.

Accounting and Finance

Courses in the area of Accounting and Finance
Root number Semester
Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
480334 spring ESG Investing and Sustainable Finance 4.5 Prof. Dr. K. Fabisik IFM-FM GE
420844 fall Data Visualization and Machine Learing 3 Prof. Dr. Ph. Baumann IFM-QM EN
1308 fall Methoden und Anwendungen des Operations Research 6 Prof. Dr. N. Trautmann IFM-QM GE
3679 spring Einführung in das Controlling 4.5 Prof. Dr. M. C. Arnold IUC-MA GE
5514 fall Finanzielles Rechnungswesen II: Gründung, Restrukturierung und Liquidation 4.5 Dr. A. Perucca IUC-FA GE
468886 spring Principles of Auditing 3 Prof. Dr. Y. Yang IUC-FA EN


Courses in the area of Management
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
419602 spring Die Psychologie und Ökonomik von Verhandlungen 4.5 Prof. Dr. S. Berger IOP-O GE
9483 fall E-Leadership 4.5 Dr. R. C. Müller IOP-O GE
442314 spring Nachhaltigkeit in Organisationen 4.5 Dr. A. Essl IOP-O GE
419601 fall Organizational Behavior 4.5 Prof. Dr. S. Berger IOP-O GE
3409 fall International Management 3 Prof. Dr. O. Rank IMU-U EN
469839 spring Business Model Creation 4.5 Prof. Dr. Ph. Sieger IMU-U EN
482123 spring Aussenwirtschaft und internationale Geschäftstätigkeit 3 Prof. Dr. A. Baldauf IMU-U GE


Courses in the area of Marketing
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
420256 spring Wie entscheiden wir uns? (Workshop) 4.5 Prof. Dr. M. Schulte-Mecklenbeck IMU-CB GE
493748 as of spring 26 Influencer Marketing 3 Dr. L. Malär IMU-M GE
481118 spring Seminar: Markenmanagement 2 Dr. L. Malär IMU-M GE

Information systems 

Courses in the area of Information Systems
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
25912 fall Grundlagen des E-Business 4.5 Prof. Dr. Ch. Matt IWI-IM GE
469708 spring Management of Digital Business 4.5 Prof. Dr. Ch. Matt IWI-IM GE
11432 spring Wissensmanagementsysteme 4.5 Prof. Dr. J. Dibbern IWI-IE GE
487103 spring Business Intelligence 6 Prof. Dr. P. K. Sachin IWI-IE EN
fall / spring Bachelorarbeitskolloquium 0 Prof. Dr. J. Dibbern IWI-IE GE / EN


Topic modules*

*according to Appendix 1 of SP 2024

Topic module Asset Pricing II (12 ECTS credits) (IFM-FM)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
446149 fall Derivatives 6 Prof- Dr. J. Cujean IFM-FM EN
12023 spring Fixed Income 6 Prof- Dr. J. Cujean IFM-FM EN
Topic module Corporate Finance (12 ECTS credits) (IFM-FM)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
41 fall Advanced Valuation 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Valta IFM-FM EN
5279 fall Financing and Capital Structure 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Valta IFM-FM EN
Topic module Topics in Asset Management II (12 ECTS credits) (IFM-FM)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
1146 spring Real Estate Finance 3 Prof. Dr. D. Scognamiglio IFM-FM GE
40 spring Risk Management 6 Prof. Dr. K. Fabisik IFM-FM EN
45 fall Asset Management für institutionelle Investoren 3 Dr. H. Scherer IFM-FM GE
Topic module Financial Analysis and Reporting (13.5 ECTS credits) (IUC-FA)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
26532 spring Advanced Group Accounting 4.5 Prof. Dr. A. H. Kunz IUC-FA EN
26646 fall Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 4.5 Prof. Dr. Y. Yang IUC-FA EN
26670 spring International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 4.5 Dr. D. Wasna IUC-FA EN
Topic module Managerial Accounting (13.5 ECTS credits) (IUC-MA)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
102850 fall Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives 4.5 Prof. Dr. M. C. Arnold IUC-MA EN
103181 spring Strategic Management Accounting 4.5 Prof. Dr. M. C. Arnold IUC-MA EN
415880 fall Advanced Performance Measurement: Concepts & Cases 4.5 Prof. Dr. F. Ize IUC-MA EN
Topic module Management Science (13.5 ECTS credits) (IFM-QM)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
11144 fall Combinatorial Optimization 4.5 Prof. Dr. N. Trautmann IFM-QM EN
104460 fall Portfolio Optimization 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Baumann IFM-QM EN
10043 spring Projektmanagement und Projektplanung 3 Prof. Dr. N. Trautmann  IFM-QM GE
Topic module Applied Analytics (10.5 ECTS credits) (IFM-QM)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
424621 spring Big Data Analytics 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Baumann IFM-QM GE
3111 fall Business Analytics using Excel 4.5 Prof. Dr. N. Trautmann IFM-QM GE
Topic module Strategy (12 ECTS credits) (IMU-U)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
32 fall Corporate Strategy 6 Prof. Dr. A. Baldauf IMU-U EN
399 spring Business Research 6 Dr. S. Schweiger IMU-U GE
Topic module Entrepreneurship (12 ECTS) (IMU-U)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
425627 fall Being an Entrepreneur 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Sieger IMU-U EN
429711 spring Corporate Entrepreneurship 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Sieger IMU-U EN
Topic module Organization (10.5 ECTS credits) (IOP-O)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
27284 fall Advanced Organization I 6 Prof. Dr. F. von Bieberstein IOP-O EN
410793 spring Advanced Organization II 4.5 Prof. Dr. F. von Bieberstein IOP-O EN
Topic module Personalmanagement (9.0 ECTS credits) (IOP-P)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
963 spring Personalmanagement 6 Prof. Dr. A. Hack IOP-P GE
102003 spring Management von Familienunternehmen 3 Prof. Dr. A. Hack IOP-P GE
492541 spring Diversity Management und Inklusion 4.5 PD. Dr. Th. Köllen IOP-P GE
Topic module Marketing (13.5 ECTS credits) (IMU-M)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
9486 fall Product and Price Management 4.5 Prof. Dr. H. Krohmer IMU-M EN
9481 fall Communication and Sales Management 4.5 Prof. Dr. H. Krohmer IMU-M EN
305 spring International Marketing 4.5 Prof. Dr. H. Krohmer IMU-M EN
Topic module Consumer Behavior (10.5 ECTS credits) (IMU-CB)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
52 spring Grundprinzipien des Consumer Behavior  6 Prof. Dr. C. M. Messner IMU-CB GE
490623 fall Behavior Change 4.5 Dr. B. R. Höchli IMU-CB GE
Topic module The Marketing Research Toolbox (12 ECTS credits) (IMU-CB)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
9487 HS Marketing Research 6 Prof. Dr. M. Schulte-Mecklenbeck IMU-CB GE
493087 FS Data Science mit R 6 Prof. Dr. M. Schulte-Mecklenbeck IMU-CB GE
Topic module Business Analysis (12 ECTS credits) (IWI)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
10036 fall Requirements Engineering 6 Prof. Dr. Th Myrach IWI-IM GE
949 spring E-Business Project 6 Prof. Dr. Th. Myrach, Prof. Dr. J. Dibbern IWI-IM / IWI-IE GE
Topic module Information Resource Management (10.5 ECTS credits) (IWI)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
11436 fall Information Resource Management 4.5 Dr. Th. A. Fischer IWI-IE EN
11437 fall Cases in Information Resource Management 6 Dr. Th. Hurni, Prof. Dr. Th. L. Huber IWI-IE GE
Topic module Business Information Services (10.5 ECTS) (IWI)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
11433 spring Information Systems in the Service Industry 4.5 Prof. Dr. J. Dibbern, Prof. Dr. Th. A. Fischer IWI-IE GE
400666 spring Enterprise-Software-as-a-Service Lab 6 Prof. Dr. O. J. Krancher IWI-IE EN
Topic module Digital Business (12 ECTS) (IWI)
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
469629 spring Digital Business Transformation 6 Prof. Dr. Ch. Matt IWI-IM EN
467501 fall Digital Ecosystems & Individuals  6 Prof. Dr. Ch. Matt IWI-IM EN


Seminars Accounting and Finance area
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section  Language
416461 spring Empirical Finance 6 Dr. M. Brunner, Dr. S. Jakob IFM-FM EN
478628 fall Company Valuation (CFA Institute Research Challenge) 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Valta IFM-FM EN
452295 spring Aktives Portfolio Management 6 Dr. O. Strub IFM-QM GE
456481 fall Applied Business Analytics 6 Prof. Dr. Ph. Baumann IFM-QM EN
6353 fall Managerial Accounting 6 Prof. Dr. F. Ize IUC-MA EN
6436 spring Financial Accounting 6 Prof. Dr. Y. Yang IUC-FA EN
Seminars Management area
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
483981 fall Diversity Management und Inklusion 6 PD Dr. Th. Köllen IOP-P GE
441310 spring Feldexperimente in Organisationen 6 Prof. Dr. F. von Bieberstein IOP-O GE
436137 fall Feldexperimente zu Nachhaltigkeit in Organisationen 6 Dr. A. Essl IOP-O GE
27282 fall Organisationspraxis 6 Prof. Dr. F. von Bieberstein IOP-O GE
103944 spring Personalmanagement 6 Prof. Dr. A. Hack IOP-P GE
51 fall / spring Management & Entrepreneurship 6 IMU-U IMU-U EN
Seminars Marketing area
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
9482 spring Forschungsseminar Marketing 6+2 Dr. B. Nyffenegger, Dr. L. Malär IMU-M GE
9489 fall / spring Projektseminar Marketing 6+2 Dr. A. Hediger, Prof. Dr. H. Krohmer IMU-M GE
25032 fall / spring Forschungsseminar Consumer Behavior 6 Prof. Dr. C. M. Messner IMU-CB GE
425613 spring Social Marketing 6 Prof. Dr. C. M. Messner, Dr. B. Höchli IMU-CB GE
484022 fall Communication and Visualizing Data 6 Prof. Dr. M. Schulte-Mecklenbeck IMU-CB EN
Seminars Information Systems area
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
446288 spring Seminar Wirtschaftsinformatik - New gains, new pains? Opportunities and pitfalls of agentic and AI-based system  6 Prof. Dr. J. Dibbern IWI-IE EN


Courses that are part of a topic module can also be completed as optional electives.

Courses in the area of Accounting and Finance
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
439570 spring Investments 6 Prof. Dr. J. Cujean IFM-FM EN
478216 fall Audit: need, justification and limits  3 Prof. Dr. T. Nösberger IUC-FA EN
Courses in the area of Management
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
468421 spring Organisationsentwicklung 4.5 Dr. S. Schumacher IOP-O GE
440121 spring Unternehmensethik 3 PD Dr. Th. Köllen IOP-P GE
10040 fall Entrepreneurship / KMU I: Ein Unternehmen starten - Best Practice 3 Dr. B. Brechbühl, Prof. Dr. A. Baldauf IMU-U GE
491269 fall Environmental and Social Sustainability Strategies in Small and Large Organizations 3 Dr. F. Mändli IMU-U EN
Courses in the area of Marketing
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
458419 spring Strategic Digital Marketing 4.5 Prof. Dr. H. Krohmer IMU-M EN
484022 fall Communicating and Visualizing Data 6 Prof. Dr. M. Schulte-Mecklenbeck IMU-CB EN
457727 fall Erfolgreich verhandeln - empirische Erkenntnisse und praktische Anwendungen der Verhandlungspsychologie (Workshop) 3 Prof. Dr. R. Trötschel, Prof, Dr. C. M. Messner IMU-CB GE
3113 fall B2B Marketing 3 Dr. M. Kreuzer IMU-CB GE
Courses in the area of Information Systems
Root number Semester Title ECTS Lecturer Section Language
484794 fall Data Science for Organizations 6 Prof. Dr. P. K. Sachin IWI-IE EN
fall / spring Masterarbeitskolloquium 0 Prof. Dr. J. Dibbern IWI-IE GE / EN